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Brad Buttram is an autodidactic tree enthusiast born and raised in northwest Oregon where he resides with his wife and kids. Brad's love and fascination for trees started as a child being in awe of the giant sequoias planted in and around Forest Grove and Hillsboro, Oregon. His fascination for trees grew after he discovered an ancient Oak tree in Washington state that he named ‘Goliath’ when he was only 6 years old. In October 2018 Brad was put in contact with Chimera Redwoods by Crowfoot Nursery after discovering the largest periclinal Grand Chimera known in Oregon. Since that discovery, he has been on a hunt for these strange mutations on planted redwoods throughout the state. Brad has discovered multiple albino redwood sites, including the first NCV known in Oregon. Aside from searching for albino redwoods, Brad is also collecting data on the naturalization of the redwood species in northern Oregon as it relates to climate change.